March 31, 2020
6/3/20 Patient Update
There is a lot of concern and anxiety about the rapid spread of the COVID 19 Virus. I am writing to you on behalf of the Regal Team, to provide an update.
The World Health organisation have confirmed that the Covid-19 is a virus spread by droplet – which means coughing, sneezing, talking, singing, laughing. Droplets can only travel up to 1.5 m.
- Hand Washing| regular and thorough hand washing before and after meals and going to the toilet or touching your face.
- Practice good respiratory hygiene | An information brochure is attached.
a. covering coughs and sneezes and careful disposal of tissues.
b. use of an alcohol based sanitizer if you can’t access soap and water.
- Social distancing is very effective to reduce the potential of infection. This means when you are out of the house keep a distance of 1.5 metres between yourself and others, as this is outside the range the virus can travel.
- Clean Environment| Maintain extra vigilance in cleaning commonly used hard surfaces regularly using a neutral detergent. There is no need for anti bacterial cleaners.
- Vaccination | Ensure you arrange for an influenza vaccination when they come out in April. They won’t stop the COVID -19 but they will protect you from other viruses that have been identified in the northern hemisphere this winter.
- Avoid Contact |If you are unwell, wear a surgical mask when in closer contact family or Regal Nurses and avoid hugging, kissing and handshaking. Please note Regal Nurses will be supplied with limited number of additional masks to provide to people who are unwell.
- Mild Cases| If it is mild stay at home until you feel better and notify Regal, so we can discuss a plan of care with you.
- Moderate-Severe Cases| If you are feeling very unwell, call your GP in advance and let them know you are coming in for a review- special arrangements are being made to keep people who are unwell out of crowded waiting rooms.
The Regal workforce are:
All vaccinated consistent with NSW Health standards- though at this stage there is no vaccine for COVID-19.
- Issued with additional surgical masks to provide to patients who are unwell or to wear themselves if there are clinical indications.
- Issued with alcohol based hand sanitisers.
- Educated on the importance of good infection control.
- Reminded NOT to work if they feel unwell
- Regal is in constant contact with NSW Health Public Health Unit and is following all directives issued by them, consistent with advice from the World Health Organisation
As a community we will all get through this outbreak if we apply the simple steps outlined above. We will update you as the situation evolves.
The Regal Team are here to support you in the safe delivery of care.
Yours sincerely,
Jude Foster
Clinical Director
Encl. Cover your cough and sneeze poster
***This excellent short VIDEO provides all the key information