NDIS Domestic Services

What is NDIS Domestic Services?

NDIS domestic services are NDIS funded services delivered in the comfort of your own home. Regal NDIS domestic services include:

  • Washing dishes
  • Sweep and mop floors
  • Meal preparation
  • Grocery shopping
  • Laundry

NDIS domestic services are delivered by Support Workers in your home.

To see Regal’s full range of NDIS services, click here.

Starting your NDIS domestic services journey with Regal

If you have a current NDIS Plan, please contact Regal to make an enquiry to begin your NDIS domestic support journey.

Once we have received your enquiry, you will be sent a form to complete detailing your domestic support needs. Once Regal has received your form, you will be assigned a designated Disability Coordinator. Your Disability Coordinator will work with you and/or your Support Coordinator to better understand your and NDIS domestic services budget. From there, they will work with you to develop a roster of your NDIS funded domestic support that meets your budgetary requirements. Your domestic services may be detailed in your wider home care Support Plan if you utilise Regal for more than 1 NDIS service. We start by discussing your goals and preferences and then structuring your week accordingly.

The Disability Coordinator will work with you to understand your preferences including staffing, service times, dietary preferences, weekly schedule and more. Once agreed upon, your Disability Coordinator will work with the Regal Scheduling Team to implement your NDIS domestic services roster.

If you do not currently have an NDIS Plan, please visit our Private Care page or read our FAQ’s.

Why choose Regal?

Regal has been a leading and trusted home care provider in Sydney since 1966, providing clinical, personal and domestic support to Greater Metropolitan Sydney for over 56 years. Regal believes high quality NDIS domestic support services need to be co-designed with the individual who will receive the support, and services delivered are tailored to the goals and lifestyles of people with disability.

What makes Regal different from other NDIS domestic support providers is that Regal has a high number of staff working all across Greater Metropolitan Sydney. We have very little wait times for NDIS domestic services and can start new domestic support services within 7 days. Regal Nurses ensure we can also offer services to participants with complex support requirements.

Having an assigned Disability Coordinator also separates Regal from other NDIS domestic support providers as NDIS participants receive a direct point of contact for their services.  

What is the NDIS in Australia?

The NDIS stands for National Disability Insurance Scheme. The NDIS is a scheme of the Australian Government that funds cost associated with disability. The NDIS provides funding to eligible people with disability to gain more time with family and friends, greater independence, access to new skills, jobs, or volunteering in their community, and an improved quality of life. 

The NDIS also connects anyone with disability to services in their community such as NDIS domestic services providers). This includes connections to doctors, community groups, sporting clubs, support groups, libraries and schools, as well as providing information about what support is provided by each state and territory government.

The NDIS now supports over 500,000 Australians with disability to access the services and supports they need. For more information visit the NDIS website.

Regal is there to support you and your family. To join the Regal community contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for NDIS domestic support services?

NDIS domestic support services are funded in an NDIS plan under Assistance with Daily Living which sits within the Core Supports budget. The NDIS Core Support budget is flexible and can be utilised for any services which sit under Core Support funding. If you are unsure if you have Assistance with Daily Living funding or want to understand more about your Core Supports budget, please contact your NDIS Support Coordinator or NDIS Local Area Coordinator.

What will the NDIS pay for?

The NDIS will pay for any domestic services which are deemed reasonable and necessary by the person developing your NDIS plan based on the evidence presented at your NDIS plan review and your NDIS plan goals. For more information, visit https://www.ndis.gov.au/understanding/supports-funded-ndis/reasonable-and-necessary-supports

Who provides NDIS funded domestic support services?

NDIS domestic support is provided by organisations registered to provide assistance with daily living support with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. To find an NDIS provider in your area visit https://www.ndis.gov.au/participants/working-providers/find-registered-provider

How much does NDIS domestic support cost?

Regal charges home care services in line with the current NDIS Pricing Arrangements. You can view these prices by visiting: https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/pricing-arrangements

Or you can contact Regal and request a quote.

I don’t have an NDIS Plan, how do I access domestic support services?

If you believe you are eligible for the NDIS, start by speaking to your General Practitioner or other treating health professional on how to access the NDIS. The NDIS has available resources here: https://www.ndis.gov.au/participants. Accessing the NDIS may take some time, so in the meantime you can request Regal domestic services privately through our Private Care Program.

Alternatively there may be other funding bodies you are eligible for to support your domestic support needs. Regal offers home care services under DVA, Aged Care, Insurance and much more!