Regal Community

December 7, 2015

Recognising Excellence | 2015 Regal Awards

Last Thursday night Regal celebrated its 12th anniversary of the Regal Annual Awards building on a 50 year foundation of excellence recognising the powerful contributions of the Regal team of committed compassionate Nursing professionals who support people to remain in their own homes safely transforming people’s lives.
“They say it takes a village to raise a child, I believe it takes community to give Nurses the power to heal with dignity and respect”

Adj Assoc Prof Anna M Shepherd, CEO

Prof Donna Waters, Dean, The University of Sydney Nursing School, officiated the awards along with the CEO, Anna Shepherd recognising a record number of Nurses for excellence across categories such as Regal Spirit, Clinical Best Practice, Communication, Management, Mentorship and the major award, Patricia R Shepherd for Excellence in Nursing. Donna shared with the audience an African greeting that resonated with us all.
“Hello, I greet you and acknowledge you as I see the potential in you” the person that says it in return responds with “Hello, I greet you and because you see the potential in me, I exist”.

In acknowledging and recognising each other we do give meaning and purpose to our lives. This inspires us all to continue to expand our practice, our model and our service to our community. Through these relationships like The University of Sydney and others we all grow together, in partnership.
Regal understands how important it is to be an organisation that is an exemplar for excellence, service and corporate social responsibility in attracting Nurses, building capacity, nurturing and supporting through education and recognising excellence.