Regal has been proactive in implementation of our Pandemic Plan and in monitoring advice from the Chief Medical Officer, NSW and currently (Sept 22)
Thorough hand washing for 20 seconds and avoid touching your face.
a. Cough or sneeze into your elbow;
b. carefully dispose of tissues;
c. use an alcohol based sanitizer if you can’t access soap and water.
Reduces the potential of infection. Remember to keep a distance of 1.5 metres from others.
Maintain extra vigilance in cleaning commonly used hard surfaces regularly using a neutral detergent. There is no need for anti bacterial cleaners.
Arrange for your influenza vaccination now. The vaccination wont stop the COVID 19 virus but it will protect you from other viruses that have been identified in the northern hemisphere this winter.
in advance of a scheduled visit so we can prepare the attending field team
Such as hugging, kissing and handshaking. Regal Nurses will be supplied with a limited number of additional masks to provide to people who are unwell.
If it is mild stay at home until you feel better and notify Regal, so we can discuss a plan of care with you.
If you are feeling very unwell, call your GP in advance and let them know you are coming in for a review- special arrangements are being made to keep people who are unwell out of crowded waiting rooms.